Cephalopedia meets Siphonophore

Music for furniture removals, Guest Projects, 17th August 2018

Our evening is in two (or possibly three) parts:

1.The helmet jazz band performs background music for double bass and two brains, using MUSE versions of Aiste Noreikaite’s ‘experience helmet’, an innovative device which transforms electrical brainwaves into music  (aka sonification).

Performers: Olly Dowlen, Aiste Noreikaite, Zoë Dowlen

2. Conversation – What are you saying, what are you thinking?

In this installation, ‘performance’ will be debated from the differing perspectives of art and science, using a Fluxus and cut-up inspired game of ping-pong chess, with serious dialectical exchange punctuated by the random firing of electrogenerated verbal interjects.

Performers: Inês Amado, David Mayor

3. The Siphonophore

The siphonophore  is a sea creature that although it may appear to be a single organism is in fact a colonial organism composed of small individual animals called zooids that have their own special function for survival.

 Inspired by the communal nature of this creature, but perhaps lacking its majestic presence and years of evolution the “siphonophore” is an experimental experiential social sculpture designed as an invitation to play. By creating a giant piece of clothing for a many armed and legged being the question is being asked about how we work together in teams and how we organise. A reference is also being made to a social body that is composed of individuals as in Hobb’s Leviathan.

 The sculpture will be activated during the performance by cephalopedia but will be available to the audience to experience it from the inside on the night of the vernisage.

Creators: Berenice Benjelloun, Zoë Dowlen 

With luck, you will also meet the mysterious and rarely-seen Siphonophore when you come to Guest Projects